LIU Jie1, ZHANG Ke-neng2 |
1Department of Civil Engineering, Zhuzhou Institute of Technology; 2College of Resources, Environment and Engineering, Central South University |
Abstract In this paper, based on the pile-soil interaction, equality of the vertical deformation and the harmony of the lateral deformation, the relationship of the stress and the strain of the piles and the pile lateral soil is derived by the elastic theory under the linear elasticity. The formula of pile-soil stress ratio at the pile materials yielding is obtained. The formulas of the vertical deformation in the piles and the pile lateral soil, the ultimate bearing capacity of the single pile arc derived by Mohr-Coulomb yielding condition at the ultimate equilibrium state. Relationships between the pile-soil stress ratio, the vertical deformation and the replacement ratio, the pile lateral soil modulus of deformation arc discussed. Meantime, it is indicated that the effectiveness reinforced by the crushed-stone piles in the weak ground is obvious, but it isn't obvious for the ground modulus of deformation to excess 8 MPa and the reinforced effectiveness is very finite. It is indicated also that the traditional design method of controlling bearing capacity should be replaced by the design method of controlling settlement to the weak ground reinforced by the crushed-stone pile. To verify the reliability of this method, the calculating results in this paper are contrasted with the test results by and engineering example and it is confirmed that the method has very high precision.
Received: 05 January 2003
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