Experimental Research on the WT-1 Fastener in Venezuela Northern Railway |
PAN Zi-1i,YAN Hua, YANG Ji-zhong |
China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to validate the newly designed WT-1 fastener system's performance which is used in Venezuela Northern Railway,according to“EN 13146:2002 Railway applications-Track-Test methods for fastening systems”,the longitudinal resistance,torsional resistance,electrical resistance tests are carried out on the newly designed WT-1 fastening system in the laboratory.
Research conclusions: (1)The longitudinal resistance and clamping force of the tested fastening are 11 .3 kN and 20.64 kN. (2)The torsional resistance is no less than 48. 7 kN*m/rad.(3)After 3 million times of fatigue test,the variation values of the mean dynamic stiffness,the mean vertical stiffness,the longitudinal resistance and the clamping force are 16. 62 %,12.5%,11.5% and 9. 2%.(4)The electrical resistance of the tested fastener is 36. 87 kΩ. (5)After 300 hours salt spray test,the tested fasteners can be disassembled with no damage,and then can be reassembled. (6)The experimental embedded casing can withstand a load of at least 60 kN and there are no cracks in the concrete sleeper around the bolt holes.(7)The tested parameters can meet the requirements in WT-1 fastener design and “EN 13481-2:2002 Railway applications-Track-Performance requirements for fastening systems- Part 2:concrete sleeper fastening systems".(8)This paper provides experimental reference for the design of fastening system in the ballasted track.
Received: 06 January 2014
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