Research on the Modified Calculation Method for Ground Resistance Coefficient of Shield Tunnel |
RENG Kung 1,LIU Si-jin 1,QIU Yue 1,HE Ying-dao 2,GUO Si-liang l |
1 .Key Laboratory of Transportation Tunnel Engineering, Ministry of Education,Southwest Jiaotong University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610031,China; 2. China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd,Wuhan,Hubei 430063,China |
Abstract Research purposes:Reasonable value of the ground resistance coefficient is important for rational design, construction and long-term structure safety of a shield tunnel lining structure. In view of this,the paper based on the existing ground resistance calculation method of shield tunnel, using a modified factorξto consider the effect of load and ground resistance distribution on the value of ground resistance coefficient,and considering the interaction between lining structure and ground,the modified calculation formula of ground resistance coefficient is deduced based on the simplified two-direction unequal stress field hypothesis. Furthermore,by analyzing and comparing with the existing ground resistance calculation method and field test,the modified calculation method is verified.
Research conclusions:(1)The segment lining structure stress distribution rules obtained by using modified calculation method of ground resistance coefficient deduced by this paper, Muir Wood Method and Plizzari-Tiberti Method are same as each other, but the magnitude of the inner force are different. (2)The axial force acquired by using the three methods almost the same with the field test results. However, the deviation of segments bending moment calculated by using the method proposed by this paper is much smaller than the other two methods.(3)The research results can be used for reasonable value of the ground resistance coefficient in the design of shield tunnel lining structure.
Received: 21 November 2013
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