Abstract This paper puts forward a method of fast, handy, no-destructive and effective testing which can be used to test the strength and geometrical dimension of subgrade abamurus using the method of earthquake wave velocity and GPR (ground penetrating radar).This method can be used to definite the dimension and strength of abamurus by determining some physical parameters (such as elastic wave velocity and electromagnetic wave velocity etc.) and by the correlation of these physical parameters with mortar flag stones. The main contents of this paper arc as follows: the research of principle of testing the strength of abamurus using earthquake wave velocity, the research of principle of testing the geometrical dimension of abamurus using GPR method, the research of laboratory test of the correlation of the strength of abamurus with wave velocity and the field test and estimation. The research of this paper has effectively solve the trouble that perforating and slotting on the abamurus for sampling and validating is destructive, and can fleetly and accurately find the hidden danger of subgrade abamurus, so play an important role for ensuring safe driving. There are remarkable economic and social benefits.
Received: 12 October 2001