Effect Analysis of Torsion Irregularity on the Dynamic Characteristics of Double-block Track |
GAO Jun-ying |
The Third Railway Survey and Design Institute Group Corporation,Tianjin 300142,China |
Abstract Research conclusions:(1)With the amplitude of the torsion irregularity increasing,the vertical accelerations of the Car-bodies,the bogies,the wheels,the rails and the slab are increasing.Under the good damping effect of vehicles ‘primary and second suspension systems,the amplitude of cal-bodies’ acceleration is not very large,SO the torsion irregularity cant make significantly effect on the comfort of passengers.(2)At the same time,from the viewpoint of the running safety,the amplitude of the torsion irregularity should not be more than 2mm.(3)The track torsion irregularity’s safety limit proposed in this paper can provide the valuable reference to the design of double-block ballastless track and also provide theoretical direction for the maintenance and repair of our country track geometry.
Received: 21 October 2013
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