Abstract The integ rativ e sy stem of railw ay surv ey and desig n i s a comprehensiv e application research pro ject. In i ts particular implementatio n procedure, the develo pment o f sciences and techno logies should be taken as the g uide. By taking the productio n applications as the target and the resea rch achiev ements being tested continuo usly in productio n, the perfect results may be o btained g radually. The paper put s fo rwa rd the summaries successiv ely on the ex perimental w o rks fo r the integ ratio n o f railw ay surv ey and desig n in the following th ree engineering pro jects: ( 1) preliminary surv eying desig n o f Xi 'an-Na njing Railw ay, ( 2) partial final surv eying technical desig n fo r Shenmu-Ya n 'a n Section of Bao tou-Xi 'an Rai lwa y, and( 3) find surv eying technical design o f Xi 'a n-Nanjing Railw ay. These practices prov e that the integ ration of rai lway surv ey a nd desig n is fea sible, i t is a revo lution in the hi sto ry of surv ey and desig n, and wi ll be finally the important production mode o f railw ay surv ey a nd desig n. They a re v aluable as reference fo r dev eloping applications o n integ ratio n of railw ay survey and desig n hereaf ter.
Received: 05 December 1999