LIU Jian-f eng, WEI Qing-zhao |
Scho ol o f Civi l and Archi tectural Engineering , Northern Jiaotong Univ ersi ty |
Abstract Thi s pa per analy zes many methods of predictio n o f fatig ue service li fe fo r rai ls o f High-Speed Rai lway , and prov es that the Miner Combined Rule is the proper method fo r predictio n o f service li fe for the fatig ue of rai ls o f High-Speed Rai lw ay. At the same time, i t introduces the model of predictio n o f service life fo r rails of High-Speed Railw ay , as w ell as the v ehicle model and the i rreg ula ri ty model fo r dy namic simulatio n, a nd giv es the reg ressio n results o f bending stress o f rai ls caused by the main kind of v ehicles. At last , w e calculate o ut the fatig ue serv ice life for rai ls where exist s ir reg ularity o f dipped w elded joint a nd the w heel f lat and thei r combina tion. The result i s in acco rdance w ith the fact. Thi s prov es tha t the Miner Combined Rule is the proper method for prediction of serv ice li fe fo r the fatig ue of rai ls of Hig h-Spped Railway. We g iv e al so some advices fo r the pro tection o f rai l.
Received: 21 February 2000
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