XIE Min |
Project Dept. , Capi tal Co nst ructio n Commi ttee of Sha nghai Railway Administ ra tion |
Abstract Based on the ex periences of sev eral engineering co nstruction pro jects o n the Hu-Hang double t rack railw ay , etc, the sug gestio ns co ncerned wi th the follow ing six aspect s fo r doing w ell the project manag ement in the recent co nst ructio n departments a re proposed: ( 1) dev o ted to the manag ement of design, ( 2) enfo rcing the manag ement of bidding and tendering , ( 3) st reng thening the cont ract manag ement , ( 4) pursuing the supervisio n system, ( 5) enforcing the manag ement during the implementa tion of the engineering project , as w ell as i ts acceptance a nd being put fo rwa rd into opera tion, ( 6) st reng thening the manag ement o f the capi tal const ructio n so as to rai se the quali ty o f decisio n.
Received: 21 February 2000