Abstract The paper int roduces an academic conference co nvened by the Britain Branch of IABSE. The subject of the conference w as named as“ Running towa rd Jointless Bridge. ” From that time, based o n the integ ral continui ty of bridg e, the following pro blems were di scussed: the inpor tant meaning o f jointless rail on bridge, technical requi rements of joint less rai l in West Europe, compariso n o f st ress between joint less rail a nd jointed rail calculatio n o f leng th o f rail expansio n, ect. Ano ther thesi s named as“ Joint less Rai l o n Bridg e in Rai lway of Wast Europe” w ri t ten by the autho r wi ll be i ssued in our peridical hereaf ter, in w hich the fol lowing a rticles will be int roduced: essentails fo r calculating the longinudinal force o n jointeless rai l o n bridge, design principle fo r joint less rai l o n bridge by UIC, maximum span o f bridg e having joint less rail on bridge wi thout expasion joints, measures for reducing addi tio nal force, new co ncept o n ex pa nsio n joints etc.
Received: 10 September 1998