Abstract Based on the technical ma nagement and co nst ructio n ex periences in recent years, the autho r ex po unds sy stematically the technica l prepa ra to ry w orks befo re the const ruction o f a new ly-buil t rai lw ay, empha tical ly on the technical prepa ra to ry wo rks before the const ructio n of a new bridge, iucluding the technical inv estigation, examination a nd v erification o f desig n drawings, engineering test, construction orga nization desig n and co nst ructio n desig n in situ, etc. Especially , the autho r ex plains in detail the method fo r making the const ruction o rgani zatio n design. They a re v aluable as reference and hav e guiding meaning co ncerned w ith the technical preparatory w orks for co nst ructing bridges before the const ruction of a new lybuil t rai lwa y line.
Received: 30 August 1998