XU Zemin |
( Cheng du Institute o f Technolog y, Chengdu 610059) |
Abstract The paper pro poses tha t the sand clay layer cov ering on w ea thered crust-subg rade slopes may be t ransfo rmed to a wa terproof barrier by way o f chemical manipulation to prevent w ater permeating into slope bodies, and studies the problem taking some slope on Cheng yu railw ay. The result s indicates that it may reduce effectiv ely the permeability of the sand clay to g ro ut it wi th Na2 CO3 so lution o r mix i t w ith Na2CO3 pow der and the disposa l w ay i s simple and inex pensiv e. The w ater preventio n mechanism is fo r Na2 CO3 solutio n to t ransform Ca-mo ntmo rlloni tes into Na-mo ntmo rllo ni tes. Mixing the sand clay w ith lime and Na2 CO3 powder may not only reduce it s permeabi li ty but also increase it s st reng th remarkably and in v iew o f the complex ity of the disposal process, the scheme is fi t fo r the t reatments o f rosdbed sof t soils.
Received: 10 October 1998
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