Abstract The ta rg et of determining the desig n tempera ture o f o peration room fo r computer terminals i s to render the computer o perators w o rking in the ro om wi th comfortable, full of vi tality and hig h ef ficiency , w hile no fa tigue o r mistake may appea r during long time w orking . Based on the calculations o f the thermal equi librium fo r huma n body a nd the heat t ransfer of surrounding st ructure of the building s, and taking Chengdu regio n as ex ample, the required room temperatures for computer terminal s a re calculated in detai l. Combined wi th the di fferent schemes o f ai r-co ndi tioning , the compari so ns and analyses are put fo rw ard. Finally , the commended values of requi red ro om tempera tures are pro posed, w hich a re valuable as reference fo r design.
Received: 20 August 1998