SHI Jifen |
Bei jing Elect ri fied Rai lwa y Communica tion& Sig nal Survey and Desig n Insti tute |
Abstract Based o n the develop tendency of the technolog y of the informa tion indust ry , the problems o n the electromag netic compatibi li ty of the hig h-speed elect ri fied railw ays are examined once mo re, a nd sev eral opinions fo r t racing the dev elo p t rend o f the informa tion technologies to put fo rwa rd the resea rch on elet romagnetic compa tibility a re proposed. According to the improv ement of the o ptical communicatio n techno log y, the popula ri za tion of the optica l fiber cable and the application of the digi tal pro g ram co nt ro lled swi tching sy stem, w e sho uld put fo rw ard emphatically on the resea rches o n the dev elo pment and applica tion of the multimedium techno log y, the shielding technique, the application o f f requency band, the testing technique fo r elect romag netic compatibility, etc, so as to creat co ndi tions fo r the const ruction o f the high-speed electrified rai lw ays.
Received: 30 August 1998
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