Abstract Th e paper ex pounds the specialities o f laying cable o r optical cable in paddy field a lo ng the railwa y in so uth o f o ur co untr y. The technical standa rds fo r la ying ca ble o r o ptical ca ble in th e paddy field a re propo sed. Combined with th e co ntinuous r ainy wea the r, the co rr espo nding constr uction o rg anizatio n and sa fety measures a re put fo rwa rd. Co ncerned with the or ganization of equipments, besides the equipments w hich a re prepar ed fo r laying cable or optical cable in dr y land, the fo llow ing equipments in acco rda nce w ith the paddy field ar e necessa ry: wa ter pump, g enera to r , rainco at, r ubber boo ts, ga lo shes, w ate r ladle, bucket, w ate rproo f tent, etc. The specific implementa tio n pr ocedur es a re also ex pounded in de tail.
Received: 27 August 1998