Abstract The Cha ng shi bridg e a t shanto u ci ty is an ex t ra-lo ng highw ay ov ersea cable-stay ed bridg e wi th a main span o f 718 m. The total leng th o f thi s bridg e i s about 1 000 m wi th steel gi rder 718 m in leng th. The w hole steel gi rder is divided lo ngi tudinally into 63 sectio ns whose leng th is 12 m a nd divided t ra nsv ersally into 5 block. The maximum dimensio ns o f th e steel gi rder sections a re width 9 m, heig ht 3 m, leng th 12 m and w eig ht 65 t. The steel girder sections w ere manufactured by Baoji Bridge Factory and w ere erected in si tu by w elding and assembly. This paper introduces brief ly the engineering si tuatio n and the structural po rperties o f the bridg e and ex po unds emphatical ly the technical and productiv e prepa ra to ry w o rks before the manufacture of the steel g irder sectio ns. Combined wi th the di fficulties of i ts ma nufacture, the countermeasures of manufacture tech nolog y, quali ty cont ro l, etc, a re propo sed so as to guarantee the manufacture of steel gi rder and the eng ineering o f bridge.
Received: 28 September 1998