MENG Fanlin |
Thi rd Rai lw ay Engineering Bureau of MOR |
Abstract Now aday s, the const ruction technologies are dev elo ped continuously and the construction 's o perating systems a re also renew ed co ntinuously. New requi rement s on the method o f manag ement are proposed for the managed object s wi th dif ferent contents and fo rms. It is necessa ry to make some sy stematic explo ra tion on the manag ed objects w hich are dev elo ped into certain deg ree. Based o n the compa rison of machinery ma nagement betw een the co nst ructio n enterpri se a nd the engineering project, the specialities of the machinery manag ement for the const ruction pro ject are a naly zed. It s principle, missio ns a nd methods a re expounded systema tically. Finally , sev eral key a spects fo r doing w ell the machinery manag ement of construction projects are pointed out th ro ug h comprehensiv e ana lysis.
Received: 24 August 1998