Abstract Based o n the speciali ties o f the ex isting mo untain railw ays, the main factors w hich influence the speed raising on these rai lway s are a naly zed. Considering the selection of the superelev ation parameters on curv es, the requirement for comfor tabili ty , as w ell as th e factors to fulfi ll the reg uirement of unifo rm w ear on inside and o utside of the t rack, the method fo r determining the ta rg et v alue of raising speed and the cor respo nding technical and engineering countermeasures are proposed, including the determinatio n of the radius o f curv es, the minimum leng th of st raigh t t rack betw een curv es, the leng th of the t ransi tio n curv es, etc. The measure fo r the org anization of t rain o peratio n and the sugg estio n fo r adopting the ti lting vihecles a re also proposed. The problems co ncerned w ith the speed raising mentioned in this paper i s also v aluable as ref rence fo r the determinatio n of the rea tiv e tech nical sta nda rds in the desig n of the new railway lines.
Received: 18 May 1998