Exploration on the Identification and Treatment Measures of Tunnel Lining Concrete Cracks |
WU Zhi-jia |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The continuous input in infrastructure of China and the flourish of railway and highway development give rise to an increasing number of tunnels. However, due to the geology, construction, building materials and some other factors, cracks occur in tunnel lining, threatening the operation safety. Then it is necessary to take measures to treat the situation in order to ensure the safety and economy of engineering structure.
Research conclusions: On the basis of the generation mechanism of lining concrete cracks, the following article gives an analysis of the crack stress condition and quantifies the disease rating, according to which different measures are adopted. These measures include crack repairing, lining anchor, sleeve lining and so on. The research findings show that the prevention of concrete cracks can be realized by the enhancement of geological survey and construction process, besides, the structure and operation safety can be guaranteed by appropriate treatments which are decided by the analysis of cracks condition and disease rating. The findings on one hand can be used to cure the tunnel lining cracks of existing railways and highways and on the other hand to prevent, control and treat the tunnel lining cracks of new railways and highways.
Received: 24 September 2013
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