Wan Jianling Zhou Shixiang Nan Chen Ding Ri |
Tunnel Eng ineering Bureau o f MO R |
Abstract Acco rding to the engineering practices and the rock micro-analy si s, the AE test and the mechanical analy sis result s, this paper sums up the cha racteristics of rock burst and i ts regular pat ter n, briefly a nalyses the dest ructio n forms and the dest ructio n process of rock burst, a pproaches the rock co ndi tions a nd i ts sta tic and dy namic mechani sm co ndi tions on w hich the rock burst fo rms, and thus makes some important conclusio ns. This paper has some reference v alue to the study and the protectio n or t rea tment of ro ck burst.
Received: 20 February 1998
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