Zheng Qipu |
Thi rd Survey and Design Insti tute of MO R |
Abstract The paper analyses emphatical ly the speciali ties of the inf luence and the envi ronmenta l pollutio n on the regio ns passing th ro ug h by the Jing-Hu hig h-speed rai lw ay, as w el l as the sco pe of the inf luence of the po llutio n and i ts co ntents and the intensi ty. Based on these specialities, by ado pting the advanced technique abroad and combined w ith the nationa l si tuatio n and the na tional st reng th , sev eral feasibly practicable t reating measures and pro tectiv e countermeasures a re sugg ested.
Received: 20 October 1997
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