Exploration on Effect of Ground Stress upon Tunnel Construction at Qinling Section of Xi 'an- Nanjing Railway Line |
Wei Guo 'a n |
Fi rst Surv ey and Design Insti tute of MO R |
Abstract Based o n the fi rstha nd informa tions o btained from autho r 's investiga tio n in situ and the info rmatio ns collected from o ther regio ns, the a nalyses and the compari sons betw een these info rmatio ns are put fo rw ard. The evo lutio n o f the st ructural st ress field i s a naly zed qualitativ ely. And the amount o f g round st ress a nd it s ef fect on tunnel co nst ructio n are decided preliminari ly.
Received: 22 April 1997
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