Abstract Based o n the speciali ties of the w o rks o f the rai lw ay surv ey and desig n department s, w e should establi sh and amplify the envi ro nment sui ta ble for the g row th o f fhe youth in technical staf f and the corresponding enco urag ement systems. As the y oung peo ple g raduated a nd w ere employ ed by rai lw ay surv ey and desig n depa rtment s, they should be put o n a series of practica l surv ey , desig n, resea rch and construtio n wo rks, so that they may receiv e a systema tical t raining to become the talents. The corresponding encourag ement sy stems are the sy stem to assess technical proficiency, to be promoted to a higher of fice and ra nk, encourag e a nd rew ard, selectio n, etc.
Received: 15 May 1997