Abstract Because o f the restoration o f rai lway t raf fic between China and Viet Nam, countries in the Southeast Asia are promo ted urgently to make claims fo r realizing railw ay t ransportatio ns w ith China di rect ly. As the new Asia-Europe co ntinental rai lway bridg e has been ex tented tow ards w est , the communica tions and the co ordinatio ns betw een China and the countries in Cent ral Asia and West Asia are also promo ted. There are many count ries in the south of Asia , the communicatio n of railway transport betw een these count ries wi th China a re analy zed a nd discussed, and a re sugg ested to be considered as the essentials fo r const ructing rai lw ays at the earlier-stag e.
Received: 25 January 1997