Sof tware for Opt imizing Design of Sof t Subgrade |
Long Guoying |
Fourth Surv ey and Desig n Institute, Mini st ry of Railw ays |
Abstract The paper introduces the sof tw are, in which the engineering costs are selected as the o bjectiv e functions, fo r o ptimizing the desig n o f the sof t subg rade. The usual metho ds fo r st reng thening the sof t subg rade are compo sited into sev en schemes, and the users may select o ne or sev eral schemes arbi trarily fo r compariso n. The stabili ty analy ses at fi rst and then the set tlement calculatio ns proceed. As i f either o f them co uld not fulfi ll the requirement s, the scheme wi ll be giv en up automatically. For big and lo ng wo rksi te w ith la rg e v ariation of st ra tums, the sof tw are divides the wo rksi te into several sectio ns ( no mo re than 5 sections) and the compariso ns may proceed. Then, being synthesized, the feasible schemes w ill be put out in sequence according to the amount o f engineering costs and may be adopted fo r decision by users. For rai sing the speed of calculatio n, ma ny optimum t racking techniques hav e been ado pted in the sof tw are.
Received: 14 February 1997