Construction Monitoring and Numerical Simulation of Deep Excavation of Century Avenue Metro Station in Lanzhou |
ZHOU Yong,GUO Nan,ZHU Yan-peng |
Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,China |
Abstract Research purposes:With special engineering and hydrological geological conditions in Lanzhou,the research about pile-strut supporting design,construction monitoring and numerical simulation of subway deep foundation pit is still blank. In this paper, taking the pile-strut supporting structure design of Lanzhou Century Avenue Metro station excavation as the example,horizontal displacement of pile top,lateral displacement of piles,axial force of support and the surface subsidence monitoring results are studied.
Research conclusions:(1)The initial excavation,pile was forward curve deformation to the pit,with the excavation and support installation,curve of pile gradually to the deformation”)”shape change,the position of maximum horizontal displacement occurred is also down. The maximum displacement of pile body generally appears in the middle part of the pile body 4~10 m range and about 1/3 to 2/3 of deep excavation.(2)During the process of excavation,measured horizontal displacement of ring beam is about 5~10 mm,and it is far less than 30 mm of specification control values. (3)There is still a small amount displacement near the bottom of the pile,the design methods supporting piles embedded solid segment as fixed end need to be improved.(4)Surface subsidence and horizontal displacement size distribution are mutually corresponding, soil around the pit present settlement-uplift-subsidence-uplift-settlement status,the maximum surface settlement located outside pit and approximately 1/3 times the depth of the pit.(5)Using the finite element software ADINA to simulate the process of foundation pit excavation,finite element calculation values are compared with the actual monitoring results,it is found that their values are close,development trends are almost the same,and the results of finite element analysis is reliable and the supporting effect of the pile-strut supporting structure is ideal.(6 ) It can provide a reference for the follow-up design and construction.
Received: 08 August 2013
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