Abstract Based on hydrogeochemical principle and method,the paper discusses the essential characteristics of the thermal mineral water,including: 1)hydrogeology activity pattern; 2) thermal reservoir feature and 3)formation and change of hydrochemical compostition. It is in?dicated from the preliminary analysis that the intensity of the hydrothermal activity progres?sively decrease from south to north,obviously appearing as the water temperature drop,the spring sedimentdecrease, PH value change from alkaline to neutrality and the relevant water quality change. Combined with the spring sediment,the thermal reservior temperature is esti?mated at 165 — 180°c using Si02 temperature scale. The authors prove the formation and change of the hydrochemical composition to explain the difference of the hydrothermal activi?ty and its genesis model is presented in Mugecuo Scenic Spot.
Received: 07 May 1996