Analysis of Influence of New Highway Construction on Tunnel of Ganzhou-Longyan Railway |
YAO Jie |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063 ,China |
Abstract Research purposes: With more and more new highways overpassing the existing railway tunnels,it is necessary to carefully consider the multifaceted influences of the highway on the additional displacement,the additional stress and the regularity of the existing railway tunnel. The dynamic effect of the construction should also be considered. With the theoretical solution, it is difficult to consider the complex terrain and dynamic construction process. Combined with the construction of the highway overpassing the the railway tunnel of the Ganzhou-Longyan Railway in the Xinzhanbei Road in the new district of Shanghang County,the three dimensional finite element was used to analyze the influence of the highway construction on the railway tunnel in order to guide the engineering design and provide the references to the similar projects.
Research conclusions: From the research on the actual terrain condition and the 3D FEM model for the design of the tunnel lining, it was seen the maximum additional displacement of the railway tunnel was about lmm, the maximum additional stress of the tunnel was 1810 kN*m/m and the maximum horizontal displacement of the highway excavation face was about 41.0mm. On the premise of well doing the works of construction organization and monitoring, the safe operation of the railway could be archived. It was also proposed that the excavation could be symmetrically conducted section by section,zone by zone and layer by layer and the appropriate adjustments of the construction procedures could be made according to the monitoring data to further reduce adverse effect on the tunnel.
Received: 12 October 2012
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