Study on Seepage - stress - failure Coupling Model for Tunnel Lining with High Water Pressure |
WENG Qi - neng,QIN Wei |
Chongqing Jiaotong University,Chongqing 400074 ,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The seepage field has the distinct impact on the failure of the tunnel lining in the water -rich area due to the long - term high water pressure on the lining. The corresponding changes take place to the failure field and stress field. Simultaneously due to the effect of the seepage field while the lining failure and the stress change have reaction on the seepage field. The study was done on the seepage field,stress field and failure field of the concrete of the tunnel lining. The fluid - solid coupling was used to express the failure of the tunnel lining and the evolution process for improving the expression accuracy and robustness of failure of the tunnel lining with high water pressure.
Research conclusions :(1) The macro expression of the concrete failure can be unified with the micro changes and the representative volume element can be used as the study objective of the fluid - solid coupling of the tunnel lining. (2) The fluid - solid coupling model for the seepage field, stress field and failure field of the tunnel lining with high water pressure and the iterative method can be used to enhance the model feasibility. (3) In the calculation of the real consumption,the calculation and simulations can be made to express the lining failure on consideration of the situation with the coupling or with no coupling for more objectively reflecting the actual situation by using fluid - solid coupling model. (4) The fluid - solid model is available for the healthy monitoring and maintenance of the tunnel.
Received: 04 December 2012
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