Research on the Deformation Mechanism Model Test of Tunnel - Landslide Parallel System |
WU Hong - gang1,CHEN Xiao - yun2,AI Hui3 |
(1. Nortliwest Research Institute Co. Ltd of CREC,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China. 2. China Academy of Railway
Sciences,Beijing 100081,China. 3. Lanzhou Jiaotong University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : The landslide in railway route selection is often unavoidable, when the tunnel to be consistent with the direction of the landslide main slide,it was called tunnel - landslide parallel system,which is the serious threat to the construction and operation of tunnel. At present,tunnel design and construction crossing landslide
has not yet formed a unified understanding and standard,there is no complete theory of computation. This paper takes
the tunnel - landslide parallel system for the study,sets up three tunnel models with different depths by model tests to
simulate tunnel excavation process,and promotes the slope creeping by loading in the rear,arranges the strain gages
around the tunnel to monitor and analyze the tunnel strain,arranges dial indicator to monitor the displacement in slope
Research conclusions :( 1) Strain tests show that : in the parallel system,the larger the tunnel depth is,the smaller the
impact of tlie release of tlie stress on the top of tlie slope of tlie tunnel after tunnel excavation is; Witli increasing depth,
the strain of the tunnel increases. (2) 6ie tests of disj)lacement siow tiat: te level displacement at te junction of bedrock and landslides is te largest. Tiie maximumvertical displacement of te point of a Hll is in te middle portion of die tunnel entrance and bedrock. ( 3 ) Tie comparison siiows tat: wiien te tunnel - landslide system extends into te
smaller body lengtii, te tunnel force mode is closer to te rod - siiaped stress structure of botii ends of te iiinge; wiien
inserted into te larger lengt,te force mode of tunnel is more close to te cantilevered structure. Stress concentration
is prone to produce in tie interface location of bedrock and sli(ier. ( 4) Tie rsearcii can provide a reference for te design and construction of iigi - speed railway tunnel across tie areas of landslide.
Received: 30 December 2015