Influence of Track Irregularity on LIM Wheel/rail System Dynamic Characteristics |
WEI Qing - chao1,ZHENG Fang - yuan1,FENG Ya – wei2,ZANG Chuan - zhen1 |
(1. Beijingjiaotong University,Beijing 100044, China;2. Beijing MunicijDal Commission of Urban Planning and Land Resource,Beijing 100045,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : Based on the theory of vehicle - track coupling dynamics,the simulation model of tlie linear induction motor( LIM) wheel / rail system was established. The dynamic calculation was based on a variety of iiegularities. The influence of the vertical fault and the loose form of the fastener on the dynamic characteristics of the LIM rail transit system was analyzed. Combined with the actual track irregularity management mode,the influence ofthe level of the harmonic form, the distortion and the complex irregularity on the running quality of the vehicle was discussed. The research results provide theoretical basis for the line maintenance of the LIM wheel / rail system. Research conclusions: ( 1 ) The suggestion is that the 10 m strng method is adopted in the track irregularty management. (2) Workers should focus on checking the status of the rail in the side of the plate and the position of the fastener in the plate. (3 )The strength of the plate should meet the requirements. (4) Workers should strctly control the settlement of the track plate. (5) Workers should focus on the control of LIM air gap at the end of the excitation side. The vertical vibration and air gap is most affected by the twist irregularty. Lateral acceleration,derailment coefficient and wheel load reduction rate of the vehicle body are affected by the complex irregularty. (7) The conclusion can be used to guide the maintenance and repair work of track structure.
Received: 27 October 2016