An Energy Analysis Approach for Seismic Characteristics of Crossing - fault
Tunnel |
QU Hong - lue1,LUO Hao1,LIU Hui2,LIU Ying1,ZHAO Han - bin1 |
(1. Southwest Petroleum University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610500,China; 2. China Railway 19th Bureau Group Co. Ltd, Beijing 100176,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : Crossing - fault tunnel is easy to damage under ground motion. In the process of
deformation to destruction for tunnel, energy absorption and release were accompanied. Therefore, in order to understand the seismic damage behavior of the crossing - fault tunnel,an approach of energy release rate was used to study the characteristics of seismic damage of tunnel influenced by crossing - fault. In addition,a numerical simulation
of the tunnel was established,and the applicability of energy analysis approach was verified.
Research conclusions:(1) Under the action of coupling fault movement and earthquake,the seismic response of the
spandrel,haunch,and arch springing of tunnel is bigger than that of the vault and arch bottom of tunnel. (2) Under the
action of coupling fault movement and earthquake,the position of stress concentration does not change with the change of
fault width. With the increase of the width of the fault,the scope of energy release and stress concentration is gradually
enlarged while the seismic action in fault location is gradually weakened. (3 ) Based on the dynamic response curve,the plastic yielded zone and the core seismic fortification length of tunnel can be identified. (4) Energy analysis method can be used to analyze the seismic behavior of tunnel and provide reliable basis for the tunnel seismic fortification.
Received: 08 October 2016