Analysis of Seismic Response and Parametric Sensitivity of Subway Station Surrounded by Saturated Soft Soil |
CUI Chun - yi1,CHENG Xue - lei1,SUN Zong - guang1,XU Cheng - shun2 |
(1. Dalian Maritime University, Dalian, Liaoning 116026, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster
Engineering,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China) |
Abstract Abstract : Research purposes : For the aim to further discuss the seismic response and failure mechanism of interaction
system of subway station in saturated soft soil,and investigate the effects of the parameter variation of soft soil properties
typical dynamic response indices including excess pore pressure ratio and structural internal forces, both numerical computation and corresponding parametric analyses are conducted by using the dynamic method of two - phase porous media and the method of multi - index comprehensive balance,which can provide reference for the understanding of
disaster mechanism and seismic design of subway station in saturated soft soil ground.
Research conclusions :( 1) There is an annular peak zone of dynamic pore pressure near the floor plate and the subsoil
moves from two flanks which leads to the uplift of subway station. (2) The middle floor plate,underpart of shear wall and middle column are weak parts during seismic action. (3) Cohesion of soft soil is the most sensitive soil parameter to typical dynamic response indices and reference bulk modulus takes the second place. ( 4 ) The research results can be
employed for guiding the seismic design of subway station surrounded by soft soil.
Received: 05 July 2016