Application of Prestressed Concrete in the Large Span Underground Structures |
TANG Jian |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The sectional size and reinforcing bar of the common reinforced concrete underground structure will increase with increase of its span. The member of the common reinforced structure is difficult to meet the structure security demands when its span increases to a certain sense. It is necessary to research the design process of the prestressed structure and the calculation model and introduce the prestressed reinforced concrete into the design of the underground structure in order to make the underground spacial structure bigger and deeper. Research conclusions: (1) In the frame system, the two - way prestressed beams are easy to produce the large secondary internal force to largely increase the stress to the beam - column node and at the same time, the number of beam prestressed bars will substantially increase, so it is difficult to control the construction process. (2) Therefore, in the large - span underground structure, application of the prestressed beams and the common concrete stringers frame system mode not only makes the load transfer simpler and clearer and makes the load bearing of the structure more reasonable, but also makes the structure more economic. (3) The research can provide the reference to the design of large span underground structure.
Received: 28 January 2013
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