Discussion on Flood Control Project Construction of Urban Rail Transit |
ZENG Guobao, WANG Cong, YAO Jianhua |
China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300142, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Recent years, floods and waterlogging disasters occur frequently in urban rail transit, it is very urgent and necessary to study the flood control project construction. By identifying the weak parts and risks of resisting flood disaster in rail transit engineering, this paper puts forward a series of flood control engineering construction ideas according to local conditions from the aspects of general layout, water blocking and flood prevention facilities, drainage facilities, water level monitoring and alarm. Research conclusions: (1)The flood control engineering construction of rail transit shall take measures according to local conditions in combination with the requirements of urban flood control planning or water impact assessment report of construction projects. (2) The station location layout of rail transit project line shall incorporate the flood control demand into the scheme study. (3) Water blocking and retaining facilities shall be implemented, as well as the drainage pump facillity. (4) Weak nodes shall be equipped with flood and waterlogging alarm facilities to strengthen the monitoring and management of weak nodes for flood control, so as to provide information and decision-making basis for passengers and operation center. (5) The research result can be used as a reference and guidance for the flood control construction of subsequent rail transit engineering.
Received: 21 January 2022
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