Research on the Minimum Curve Radius of High Speed Railway with Design Speed of 400 km/h |
LIANG Chen |
China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Research purposes: 400 km/h high-speed railway is the pursuit goal and development direction of many countries. At present, the design standard of 400 km/h high-speed railway has not been established at home and abroad. The minimum plane curve radius is one of the main technical standards of high-speed railway line design, which has a great impact on train speed and construction cost. At present, it has not taken the relevant parameters of the curve under the design conditions of 400 km/h at home and abroad, so it is necessary to carry out preliminary research on the relevant parameters to provide support for the subsequent construction. Research conclusions: (1) Based on the theoretical calculation value of the minimum curve radius of 400 km/h high-speed railway, this paper carries out the field test of driving performance under different deficient superelevation and surplus superelevation conditions with 7 000 m curve radius, and defines the relationship between superelevation and dynamic response index. (2) Using the vehicle rail coupling dynamics method, the differences in driving safety, comfort and rail wear development between R=7 000 m and R=7 500 m curves at 400 km/h are obtained. (3) Based on the test and simulation results, for the new 400 km/h line, it is recommended that the minimum curve radius be 7 500 m (the limit value of deficient superelevation is 90 mm), leaving margin for the subsequent line performance improvement; For the existing 350 km/h high-speed railway speed-up line, it is recommended that the minimum curve radius is 7 000 m (the limit value of deficient superelevation is 100 mm). (4) The research results can provide technical support for the formulation of relevant design standards and engineering application of 400 km/h high-speed railway.
Received: 13 May 2021
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