Research on the Comprehensive Railway Line Selection in Mountainous Area of High Pressure Gas and Weak Diagenetic Stratum |
NIU Yuancheng |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In recent years, attention has been paid on the problem of complex strata during the process of railway construction in Western China. The widely distributed Triassic slate and Neogene sandstone strata greatly increase the difficulty of tunnel construction. In this paper, based on the newly-built tunnel project of Xining to Chengdu railway crossing the Laji Mountain, in view of the complex topographic and geological conditions such as high-pressure gas, weak diagenetic strata and the characteristics of railway construction and operation in mountainous areas, the route selection and engineering problems of long length tunnel in complex strata are studied. Based on the analysis of the geological characteristics and the adaptability of the long tunnel project, and the principles and methods of railway line selection in dangerous mountain area are put forward. Research conclusions: (1) According to the engineering geological conditions and the similar engineering experience, the route scheme selection principle is determine, the adaptability of different schemes is compared and analyzed from the aspects of the construction difficulty and risk, the auxiliary tunnel setting conditions, tunnel setting and engineering investment. The results show that the tunnelling scheme bypassing the high pressure gas and passing through the shortest in weak rock stratum is optimal. (2) According to the difficulties of engineering construction, the key problems such as tunnel construction, construction scheme, high-pressure gas and tunnel structure design of weak diagenetic strata are studied respectively, and corresponding engineering measures are given. (3) The conclusions of this paper can provide reference for the subsequent similar engineering construction.
Received: 18 March 2022
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