Failure Mode and Countermeasures of Clay-shale Cutting Slope in Karawang Area, Indonesia |
ZHANG Qingbo, WANG Junqiao, ZHOU Bin, HUANG Jianchuan |
China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Clay-shale is a typical expansive sedimentary stratum with poor engineering geological conditions and mechanical properties, and the problem of stability control of cutting slopes is prominent. The Jakarta-Bandung High Speed Railway (JBHSR) crosses the clay-shale stratum located in Karawang area. After 1~2 rainy seasons of cutting excavation, the clay-shale softened in contact with water and quickly disintegrated, causing many cutting slope deformations and damages, which has a significant impact on the project construction. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out research on the failure mode and countermeasures of clay-shale cutting slopes to provide reference for the treatment and protection of clay-shale slopes in this area and similar areas. Research conclusions: (1) The cutting slope has a clay-shale binary stratum structure, which is marine sedimentary, low in strength and easy to disintegrate. (2) The types of slope failure include shallow slip, layer sliding and collapse, which have the characteristics of bedding, seasonal, gentle, shallow, and polyline shape of the sliding surface. (3) The reduction of shear strength should be considered in the calculation. Take appropriate measures, strengthen drainage, and protect timely while excavation. (4) Measures such as setting up anti-slide piles, supporting seepage ditches, oblique drainage holes, geogrids, and replacement of non-expansive soil can be adopted for landslide treatment. (5) These research results are used for the treatment of clay-shale slope failure on JBHSR, which can accumulate experience in design of this area and similar areas, and provide reference for code revision.
Received: 18 May 2022
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