The Influence of Line Key Points on Vertical Parameters Design of 400 km/h High-speed Railway |
HE Qing1, XU Shuangting1, GAO Tianci1, HU Jianping2, ZHU Ying3, WANG Ping1 |
1. MOE Key Laboratory of High-speed Railway Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 2. China Railway Eryuan Engineering Group Co. Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China; 3. China Railway Corporation Limited, Beijing 100039, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The planning and design of 400 km/h high-speed railway is an important goal for the construction and development of high-speed railway in China. Currently, there has been no study on the design standard of 400 km/h high-speed railway vertical parameters. Under the condition of driving safety and passenger comfort in high-speed train, this paper designs and verifies the vertical parameters of 400 km/h high-speed railway, so as to provide a theoretical basis for subsequent engineering application. Research conclusions: (1) Under the conditions of same algebraic difference between adjacent gradients and length of tangent between curves, the maximum train vertical vibration acceleration value decreases with the increase of the vertical curve radius. The minimum vertical curve radius of 400 km/h high-speed railway is recommended to be 30 000 m. (2) When the vertical curve radius is greater than or equal to 20 000 m, the maximum value of the vertical vibration acceleration of the train body is little affected by the algebraic difference between adjacent gradients. (3) The vertical vibration acceleration of the car body gradually dissipates as the length of tangent between curves increases, and the superimposed vibration decreases. It is recommended that the minimum length of 400 km/h high-speed railway is 200 m. (4) This research method can provide technical support for the vertical parameters design of 400 km/h high-speed railway.
Received: 30 November 2021
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