Research on Universal Calculation Algorithm of Effective Width of Concrete Beam with Box Section |
FU Anmin, WANG Yuquan, LIAO Lijian |
China Railway Design Corporation, Tianjin 300308, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The calculation of the effective width of box sections is complicated and it’s difficult to form a universal algorithm due to the large number of box section forms and variable inflection points of the box section. In order to solve the problem that the conventional algorithm is only applicable to specific form sections and has defects in universality, this paper proposes a universal algorithm for calculating the effective width of the box section. Research conclusions: (1) The section was discretized based on the nodel lines in order to obtain the effective width of section suitable for different finite element software data formats. (2) By dividing the section into multiple areas to decouple the section, calculating the local nodel lines and merging them to form the global nodel lines, the calculation complexity of the nodel lines was reduced effectively, and the calculation of the effective width of complex sections with multiple inflection points was realized. (3) The computing module of each area is independent of each other, which effectively increases the universality of each calculation module and reduces the maintenance workload of the algorithm. (4) In each nodel line calculation module, a method of forming multilevel sub-branches according to specific classification order and calculating nodel lines step by step according to sub-branches was proposed, which ensures the accuracy and completeness of the local nodel line calculation results of complex sections with multiple inflection points. (5) Under the framework of this algorithm, the calculation of the effective width of the box section with any number of box rooms was realized by extension. (6) The algorithm has strong generality and wide applicability, and can be applied to the finite element modeling of concrete bridges effectively.
Received: 25 July 2024
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