Study on Seismic Performance of High-speed Railway Long-span Continuous Beam Bridges with Different Constraint Systems |
ZHOU Youquan |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi’an,Shannxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to investigate the influence of different constraint systems on the seismic performance of high-speed railway long-span continuous beam bridges under longitudinal loading, a high-speed railway continuous beam bridge with span of (60+100+60) m was taken as engineering prototype. The nonlinear time-history analyses of the whole bridges were performed by OpenSees software for different fortification intensity. The seismic response of the bridge with ductility system, isolation system and attached liquid viscous damper were analyzed from the different aspects including dynamic characteristics, bottom bending moment, top displacement of columns and bearing displacement. Research conclusions: (1)The isolation system significantly increases the natural vibration period of the bridge compared with the ductility system. (2) For the high-speed railway long-span continuous beam with a pier height of 20 m, when the fortification intensity is in the Ⅶ degree area and above, the pier will enter the ductility, and the displacement ductility coefficient decreases with the increase of the reinforcement ratio of the pier.(3) The long-span continuous beam of high-speed railway in ductile seismic system can reduce the damage of bridge piers by increasing the reinforcement ratio and setting dampers, so that it is in a slight damage state.(4) The seismic isolation system can ensure that the piers of high-speed railway long-span continuous girder bridges in high-intensity seismic areas are in elastic working state under rare earthquakes, and the seismic reduction rate of the structure can exceed 80 %.(5) The friction pendulum bearing system has good damping effect, but it needs to meet the needs of bearing design displacement through additional damping.(6) The research results can provide reference for the seismic design of high-speed railway long-span continuous beam bridge.
Received: 08 March 2024
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