Study on Longitudinal Slope of Rail Expansion Joints Laying for Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Railway Bridge |
ZHANG Jian, LI Dacheng, ZHANG Zhichao |
China Railway Design Corporation,Tianjin 300308,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The use of large-span cable-stayed bridges and long continuous beams in high-speed railways is becoming increasingly common, and the steel rail expansion and contraction adjuster plays an important role in ensuring train safety. The steel rail expansion adjuster is sensitive to the longitudinal slope of the railway line. In order to ensure the safety of the line, improve the stability of high-speed trains, and reduce engineering investment, this paper studies the slope setting of the steel rail expansion adjuster for the Hangzhou Bay Cross Sea Bridge of the Nantong Ningbo high-speed railway, providing support for project technical decision-making. Research conclusions: (1) Static and dynamic analysis shows that the longitudinal slope of the track has a relatively small impact on the longitudinal displacement of the pointed rail of the rail expansion adjuster. Under the condition of a 12 ‰ slope, all dynamic indicators of the track and bridge meet the regulatory limits, and setting up a rail expansion adjuster is feasible. (2) Setting up a real-time online monitoring system to provide a basis for scientific maintenance of rail expansion and contraction regulators is suggested. (3) The research results have positive significance for optimizing the setting scheme of expansion regulators for railway large-span bridges and reducing engineering investment.
Received: 21 May 2024
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