Design of Asymmetric Continuous Steel Truss Girder with Flexible Arch in Mountainous Area |
FANG Shuaiping |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi’an, Shaanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Steel truss flexible arch bridges are generally symmetrical structures, but for railway bridges in mountainous areas, many factors such as site topography, geological conditions, construction conditions and seismic performance should be considered. Based on the research background of a bridge spanning a deep V-shaped ditch in mountain railway, this paper proposes an asymmetric steel truss flexible arch bridge scheme for the steep terrain, narrow construction space and difficult construction, to broaden the idea for the selection of railway bridges in mountainous areas. Research conclusions: (1)The scheme of (216+144) m asymmetric continuous steel truss flexible arch bridge is adopted, which is suitable for the construction conditions of the bridge site. (2)Through the finite element model, the static and dynamic calculation analysis of the bridge shows that the mechanical properties of the bridge, such as structural stiffness and member strength, can meet the requirements of the relevant codes. (3)The bridge deck system adopts the longitudinal and horizontal beam, and the ballast trough plate is set on the longitudinal beam, which not only reduces the dead weight of the bridge deck, but also solves the problem of maintenance and replacement in the later period of the bridge deck. (4)The bridge adopts the construction scheme of tower and cable, which solves the problem of excessive stress and deformation of the main truss in the process of suspension.(5)The bridge has the advantages of novel form, reasonable structure, beautiful shape and efficient material. It has reference significance for the design of bridge in mountainous terrain.
Received: 21 May 2024
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