Key Pushing Construction Technologies for High-speed Railway Steel Box Girders with a Single Mid-span Temporary Pier |
LI Hao1, LIU Longhua2, LUO Jinhong3, JU Chenxing4, ZHANG Wenxue3 |
1. China Railway Guangzhou Group Co.Ltd,Huizhou,Guangdong 516023, China; 2. China Railway Guangzhou Group Co.Ltd,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510088, China; 3. Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China; 4. The 7th Engineering Co. Ltd of China Railway 12th Bureau Group, Changsha, Hunan 410018, China |
Abstract Research purposes: During the pushing construction process, the small-angle skew intersection between the new and existing lines causes difficulties in arranging temporary piers at the crossing sections and results in large cantilever spans of the main girder. This increases construction difficulty and challenges the safety of the construction. To address this issue, based on the Guangzhou-Shanwei High-speed Railway overpass on the Shenzhen-Shantou West Expressway,through Midas finite element simulation analysis and monitoring of stress and displacement in the actual bridge, the key technologies for pushing construction of high-speed railway steel box girders with a single mid-span temporary pier were studied. Research conclusions: (1) The pushing construction scheme without a temporary mid-span pier does not meet construction requirements. (2) The single mid-span temporary pier pushing scheme ensures that the stress and displacement of the main girder are within safe limits during the pushing construction process, meeting construction requirements. (3) The alignment and stress state of the completed bridge met the design expectations. (4) In small-angle skew pushing construction where temporary piers cannot be set up on the road, the single mid-span temporary pier pushing scheme can be used as an alternative. The construction and monitoring methods discussed in this paper can provide a reference for similar projects.
Received: 27 September 2023
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