Seismic Performance of Prefabricated Platform Canopy with Mortise-tenon Connection |
CHANG Yuzheng, KUANG Jiuyi |
Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an,Shaanxi 710055, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In order to improve the construction speed, reduce the cost, and promote the development and application of assembly technology in the construction of railway facilities, a prefabricated platform canopy structure system based on " mortise and tenon " joints was proposed, and the seismic performance of the assembled " Y " -shaped single-column platform canopy structure connected by " mortise and tenon " was studied. A single-layer single-span two-bay roof panel assembled platform canopy specimen was designed and fabricated. The failure mode, hysteretic characteristics, bearing capacity, ductility and energy dissipation capacity were analyzed by low-cycle repeated loading test, and the finite element software ABAQUS was used to analyze the parameters of the specimen. Research conclusions:(1) The hysteresis curve of the specimen exhibits pinching effect with shear slip characteristics. (2)The ultimate story drift ratio is 1/17, and the displacement ductility coefficient exceeds 4.5, indicating good deformation ability and ductility. (3)Plastic hinges appear sequentially at the end of the flat beam and the footing of the prefabricated column, the damage mode shows a "beam hinge" mechanism.(4) The parameters analysis indicates as the longitudinal rebar ratio increased,the seismic performance including the initial stiffness, ultimate bearing capacity, and ductility was increased. As the linear stiffness ratio of the flat beam and column increased, the initial structural stiffness and ultimate bearing capacity increased, but the ductility of the structure decreased, the same applied to the height of the plate.(5) The research results can provide the basis for the application and engineering design of the assembled platform canopy in the construction of railway facilities.
Received: 10 January 2024
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