Study on the Foundation of Railway Electrification Catenary in Permafrost Region |
WANG Qiang |
China Railway First Survey and Design Institute Group Co. Ltd, Xi'an, Shaanxi 710043, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In recent years, the demand for building railway electrification in permafrost region has become increasingly urgent. Railways in permafrost region have the characteristics of many long and steep slopes, high train power, and high soil resistivity, which can easily cause an increase in rail potential, endanger personal and facilities safety, and driving safety. In order to reduce the rail potential in permafrost region, a railway in the western region is taken as the research object. According to the characteristics of the subgrade and soil, the grounding resistance of a single pillar foundation is calculated, and the rail potential of the traction power supply system is analyzed under the combined action of multiple pillars in the power supply arm to find a design scheme to solve the grounding problem of railway electrification in permafrost region. Research conclusions: (1)Electrically connect the catenary pipe pile foundation along the line with the rail to form a current path of rail pile earth, which can reduce the rail ground leakage resistance and inhibit the maximum rail potential.(2)After the pillar foundation is incorporated into the earthing system, the maximum rail potential can be reduced by 26.9%. After adding a dedicated grounding electrode to the foundation, the maximum rail potential can be reduced by 34.6%.(3)The results of this study can provide reference for the grounding design of traction power supply systems with high soil resistivity.
Received: 11 October 2023
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