Experimental Study on Green Protection of Steep Slope of Mountain High-speed Railway Subgrade |
WANG Xiang |
China Railway Siyuan Survey and Design Group Co. Ltd, Wuhan, Hubei 430063, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In railway engineering construction, it is difficult to have a good green protection form for steep subgrade slope, such as the slope which rate steeper than 1∶1. In view of the difficult problem of green protection for steep slope of subgrade of high-speed railway in mountain area, two new types of subgrade slope supporting structures, namely pre-reinforced frame anchor rod with embedded base material (eco-bag) and composite anchor wall with embedded base material (eco-bag) , were designed, and field test was carried out to verify its applicability. Research conclusions: (1)The deep deformation of the embedded slope in the anchor rod of the pre-reinforced frame decreases gradually from the top of the pile to the bottom, and the maximum deformation of the top of the pile is less than 35 mm.(2)The stress of the anchor rod of the pre-reinforced frame is about 1/5~1/7 of the designed value,the soil arching effect of the pre-reinforced pile is obvious, which greatly reduces the force on the anchor rod of the frame in front of the pile.(3)The anchoring force of the composite anchor wall is about 1/2 of the designed value, and the deep displacement behind the anchor wall is less than 35 mm.(4)The improved thick layer base material (ecological bag) has good effect of green ecological protection. The survival rate of plants is more than 90%, and the coverage rate of plants is more than 85%, the green protection of the whole slope with the slope ratio of 1∶0.5 is realized.(5)The results of this study can provide reference for the protection of subgrade steep slope greening.
Received: 11 October 2023
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