Research on the Identification Technology of Subgrade Soil Density Based on MFCC |
GUO Huajie, JIANG Huihuang, LIU Xiangming |
China Academy of Railway Sciences (Shenzhen) Research and Design Institute Co.Ltd, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China |
Abstract Research purposes: Most of the characterization indexes used in the outdoor subgrade soil continuouscompaction technology are converted from the frequency and amplitude of the vibration acceleration signal collected on the steel wheel of the vibratory roller, and the characterization effect is poor under the influence of jumping vibration andmechanical natural vibration, and the signal has not been deeply excavated. In order to find reliable indicators tocharacterize soil compaction degree, this paper introduces sound source material recognition technology while conductingindoor test and analysis, and extracts timbre features based on human ear hearing and psychology, combined withphysical properties of materials, so as to improve the recognition rate of soil compaction degree. By stimulating soil samples with different compacted degrees indoors, acceleration signals and sound signals were collected. MIRtoolbox timbre toolbox was introduced to extract sound timbre features using the impact sound feature extraction method based on the principle of hearing perception, and this method was applied to the feature extraction of acceleration signals. Research conclusions: (1) When the hammering force is 55 N± 5 N, the correlation coefficients between theeigenvalue mfcc6max extracted from the acceleration and sound signal and the soil sample compaction degree are 0.81 and 0.69 respectively, so the eigenvalue mfcc6max can be used as the index to characterize the soil compaction degree.(2) In the reverse identification of soil compaction, the hammering force is controlled at 55 N± 5 N, and the mfcc6max value calculated in the acceleration signal is substituted into the correlation equation y=0.014x-0.92, or the mfcc6max value calculated in the sound signal is substituted into the correlation equation y=0.018x-1.09. The two obtained y values can predict the soil compaction degree in reverse.(3) The characteristic values and methods used to characterizesoil compaction degree in this test can be further applied to outdoor continuous compaction technology, and are fundamentally different from traditional continuous compaction technical indicators, which provide guidance for improving soil recognition rate.
Received: 26 January 2022
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