Research on the Influence of Longitudinal Resistance of Fasteners on Mechanical Characteristics of Metro Turnouts |
ZENG Zhiping1, TANG Qihui1, HUANG Xiangdong1, TIAN Chunyu2, HU Ji1 |
1. Central South University, Changsha, Hunan 410075, China; 2. China Railway Engineering Design and Consulting Group Co. Ltd, Beijing 100055, China |
Abstract Research purposes: The fasteners are key component for transferring force in metro turnout, and its longitudinal resistance has an important impact on the force and displacement of each rail of the turnout. In order to clarify the longitudinal mechanical characteristics of metro turnout under different fastener rail pads and different longitudinal resistances, experimental tests and numerical simulation analysis were conducted on the fasteners. Research conclusions: (1)Compared with rubber pads, using polyester pads can reduce the longitudinal displacement of the basic rail of the turnout by more than 13%, reduce the longitudinal displacement of the guide rail by about 2%,and the longitudinal force on each rail of the turnout changes little.(2)As the longitudinal stiffness of the fastenerincreases, the longitudinal displacement of the turnout structure and the longitudinal force on the basic rail gradually decrease, although the temperature force of the guide rail increases slightly, but the increase is very small and will notaffect the structural safety.(3)Using polyester pads in metro turnout and appropriately increasing the longitudinal stiffness of fasteners is a reasonable direction for optimization.(4)The research results can be applied to the selection of fastener rail pads for metro turnout fasteners and optimization design of resistance.
Received: 01 February 2023
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