Research on the Interoperation Scheme of National Railway and Urban Train Control System |
XU Xiaoning, LI Hui, WANG Fei, LV Shuli, WANG Wentao |
China Academy of Railway Sciences Corporation Limited, Beijing 100081, China |
Abstract Research purposes: In recent years, with the continuous development of China's railway transport network and the construction of the integrated rail transportation network of urban agglomeration, in order to achieve resourcesharing and improve passenger travel efficiency, there is a need for the integrated development of trunk railways, intercity railways, municipal (suburban) railways and urban rail transit. As the key system to ensure driving safety, the interoperability of train control system is an important research direction. This paper summarizes the interoperationschemes of domestic railway train control systems at home and abroad, and proposes the interoperation scheme of national railway and urban rail train control systems. Research conclusions: (1)The interoperation technical schemes of railway train control systems at home and abroad are summarized, and their respective technical routes are analyzed.(2)The interoperation scheme is put forward, in which the joint of the national railway and the urban rail line is set with a common management area, and the on-board equipment uses balise to complete the control switching.(3)Two integration modes of decentralized and integrated on-board equipment are proposed, and it is suggested to implement the decentralized scheme in the early stage.(4)Thebalise setting scheme for interoperation between national railway with different CTCS level and urban rail CBTC is proposed.(5)The research results can provide references for the integration of national railway and urban train control sytem.
Received: 20 February 2023
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