Research on the Influence of High-speed Railway Operation on the High-quality Development of Hebei Regional Economy |
LI Suying1, ZHANG Jiaojiao2, WU Yongli2 |
1. Shijiazhuang Tiedao University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050043,China; 2. Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050024,China |
Abstract Research purposes: The construction and operation of high-speed railway has promoted the convenient connection between urban agglomerations in Hebei Province,and promoted the rapid economy development of Hebei. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward a new concept of development, its ideological connotation gradually deepened into the field of economic development. On the basis of analyzing the influence of high-speed railway development on the five aspects for high-quality economic development in Hebei, including innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing, this paper puts forward countermeasures and suggestions for high-speedrailway operation to promote high-quality economic development in the Hebei province from the following aspects:government policy, industrial development and high-speed railway construction. Research conclusions: (1)New development concepts can be integrated into high-quality economic development indicators and used to measure the level of regional economic development.(2)The impact of high-speed railway on thehigh-quality economic development of Hebei province mainly includes: promoting the upgrading and innovative development of enterprises, promoting the coordinated development of regional economy, promoting the green development of environmental protection, promoting the open development of foreign trade exports, and enhancing the shared development of the people.(3)In the long run, the opening and operation of the high-speed railway network has won new development opportunities for the cities along the line, all kinds of resources have been effectively circulated, and the location advantages and regional accessibility have been highlighted.(4)The research results have management and reference significance for high-speed railway operation to promote the high-quality development of regional economy.
Received: 07 February 2023
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